Waste Management and Compliance

Waste Management Acts 1996-2011

All waste management in Ireland, including hazardous waste is covered by the Waste Management Act 1996 and subsequent Waste Directives Regulations.  This act sets out the criteria governing all waste activities in Ireland.

Since June 2008 the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration) Regulations 2007 as amended govern waste recovery activities in Ireland. Since June 2008 the Waste Management (Waste Collection Permit and Registration) Regulations 2007 as amended govern any person who proposes to collect waste.

Waste Collection Permit (WCP)

Any person who proposes to collect waste is required to hold a Waste Collection Permit (Section 34, Waste Management Act, 1996). The Regulations set out procedures for the making of permit applications for a Single Region or Multi Regional waste collection permit. Ireland is divided into 10 waste regions please see waste regions map for more detail on these regions.

For a single region permit the fee is €1,000 and for a multi-regional permit the fee will be €1,000 per region up to a maximum charge of €5,000 for all 10 regions. A waste collection permit is valid for a 5 year period after which a review is carried out. A fee of half the original application fee applies for a review. All application fees are to be made to Offaly County Council.

Waste Facility Permit (WFP)

A waste facility permit is required for waste recovery, recycling or disposal activities in Ireland. The Regulations provide for the issuing of waste facility permits or certificates of registration for certain waste activities where it is not deemed that a waste licence is required. There are activities for which an exemption is available but in these situations clarification is required from the Environmental Protection Agency or Local Authority. Local Authorities are responsible for the processing and granting/refusal and enforcement of waste facility permits in Ireland.

The cost of application varies based on the class of waste activity to be undertaken. Activities which require a waste facility permit are listed in Third Schedule Part 1 of the Waste Management (Facility Permit and Registration) Regulations 2007 (as amended).  Examples of activities which require a waste facility permit or a certificate of registration include land reclamation/development, car dismantling, composting centres, recycling of construction & demolition waste and the reception and storage of waste, among others.

Waste Compliance Audits & Monitoring

Where required or requested, audits can be carried out to assess the level of compliance of waste facility and waste collection operators against the conditions of their permits. Monitoring of condition compliance ensures that your waste operations are in adherence with all governing acts, regulations and any other relevant legislations.

Annual Environmental Returns (AER’s)

AER’s are required under the conditions of all granted waste facility and collection permits. They are due for submission prior to the February 28th each year. Tús Nua Environmental can assist with or complete your returns.


Tús Nua Environmental can assist you with or complete your waste facility and waste collection permit applications. Also, if required we will liaise with the relevant local authorities and National Waste Collection office (NWCPO) on your behalf.